The BLAST tools API runs standalone BLAST+ executables with v5 NCBI databases for design related queries. Three modes are available: nopssm
, pssm
, and patent
for running standard BLAST sequence alignments and patent queries respectively. The nopssm
and pssm
modes run standard BLAST+ against the NR database; use the latter if you wish to generate a PSSM for your query. The patent
mode runs BLAST+ against the curated NCBI patent protein sequence database (pataa
) that is generated in partnership with the USPTO and will return specific patent sequence hits along with the standard alignments.
Quick Start
Generate only sequence alignments for input.fasta
cyrus engine submit blast input.fasta --mode nopssm
Generate sequence alignments and PSSM for input.fasta
cyrus engine submit blast input.fasta --mode pssm
Generate sequence alignments and patent information for input.fasta
cyrus engine submit blast input.fasta --mode patent
Generate sequence alignments and return up to 1000 hits for input.fasta
cyrus engine submit blast input.fasta --mode nopssm --max-target-sequences 1000
FASTA file containing query sequence of interest.
Input FASTA file with query sequence
- run BLAST+ (blastp) for sequence alignments using NR databasepssm
- run BLAST+ (psiblast) for sequence alignments and PSSM generation using NR databasepatent
- run BLAST+ (blastp) for sequence alignments and patent hits using PATAA database
: sets the maximum number of sequences that can be returned for a query, default = 500
Some outputs depend on the mode you choose to run.
Mode | Filename | Description |
| query.out | BLASTP or PSIBLAST query alignments (Note: formatting differs between BLASTP and PSIBLAST - PSIBLAST is set to run 4 iterative rounds and data from each round is logged to this file) |
| query.entries | Accession IDs of query hits are parsed from query.out file for gathering the full sequences and descriptions for the full-query.fasta file |
| full-query.fasta | FASTA file with complete sequences and descriptions from query hits |
| query.chk | PSSM checkpoint file generated by PSIBLAST |
| query.pssm | PSSM from PSIBLAST query in NCBI formatting |
| query.patents | Textfile listing NCBI accession codes and patent descriptions for each query hit (ex. “ADA00576.1 Sequence 10 from patent US 7595057”) |